
A Year of Flow, Connection & Change

The river of life is continually flowing, forming an ever-changing string of unique moments. This pattern of flow, connection & change is the inspiration for these movement lessons …

Every 8 weeks we’ll focus on something distinct and specific, and then we’ll explore how it connects with, and changes, everything else.

Jan- Feb = Feet
Mar-Apr = Head & Neck
May-Jun = Hips
Jul-Aug = Arms & Legs
Sep-Oct = Spine
Nov-Dec = The Whole Shebang!

These are multi-class series, but it’s ok to sign up for a single class in the Calendar below or...

Try a Free Lesson

Feldenkrais® lessons are probably unlike anything you have done before because there is no place for discomfort, extra effort, or drivenness, (things that are typically rewarded in our culture.)

It's founded on process-driven learning and relies on our innate curiosity and the paradox of letting go of goals as a way to achieve them. So, here are some counter-intuitive tips on how to approach a lesson:

Principles for Approaching  Lessons:

  • Do less than you can - go smaller & slower than usual and stay within your personal threshold of ease
  • Rest before you need to - lots of tiny rests activate neuroplasticity 
  • Seek quality over quantity - you'll get more from a few movements done with focused attention than many mindless reps 
  • Use your imagination - imagine what you can't do (yet), even if it's the whole lesson
  • Follow your curiosity - let go of ambition and just play & explore without judgement or goals

Click on an image below for a free audio lesson.

Shoulder Mobility

Habits & Creativity

Stress Relief

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Click on an image below to get a taste of all the things Feldenkrais lessons can help you with.

The approach is wholistic and all lessons address your entire person, including how you think and what you're feeling. Because change can happen in surprising ways, it's challenging to categorize what each workshop is good for, but I gave it a shot for your convenience. 

The Gift Economy: Living My values

Each workshop is available for purchase as an audio download by donation, as an experiment in using the gift economy. The gift economy is based on the idea of trust, gratitude, and reciprocity. It relies on building a culture of interconnectedness, which is very ecological and very feldi, and something acutely lacking in this world… so every bit counts!

 Robin Wall Kimmerer describes it beautifully in this essay

Thank you for participating in the gift economy!

Stress Management

Breathe Easy

Finding Your Center

Head, Neck & Shoulders

Ground Forces

About Face

Touch of Sound

Mental Clarity

New Beginnings

In Your Imagination

Know Thyself

Active Lifestyles

Run for Life

Carry that Weight

Movement for Gardeners

Walk Naturally

Balance & Falling

Rock & Roll

Healthy Spine, Pelvis & Hips

Pelvic Floor, Core & More

Spine Time

Book on Foot

Getting Hip

In Your Chair

Fall Chores

I have found that the way Anita teaches applies on the deepest and most profound levels to everything else in my life. I have learned so much about how I respond, for instance, to confusion! And I have also re-learned the importance of play and looking for the easy way to do things, rather than pushing through it.”

— Nancy R.

Private Lessons

Functional Integration®

Individual One-on-One Lessons

Each lesson is tailored to your specific needs, whether it’s relieving stress or pain, or improving something specific, or simply finding an everyday embodied ease.

We can meet either in-person in Cazenovia, NY, or virtually via Zoom. 

Private lessons are technically are called Functional Integration® and are sold as a 5 or 10 pack.
Lessons are done fully clothed and last about an hour.

5 Pack = $475
10 Pack = $775

Check out FAQ for more info about this work.

Thanks again for working with me this spring. I still find myself using the tools [I learned] all these weeks later...”

— Adam A.